Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Great Escape von Baron Christoph Schwarz

Hello, hello! I am back from my vacation, doing some new stuff in my spare time. I hope you enjoy this one, because it was a piece that I dropped almost 2 months ago, originally was a man competing in a Pogo stick championship, but it turned out like this. 
The story behind Baron Christoph Schwarz is that he is filthy rich 1920's German bourgeois that has a great passion for espionage. He is very bored in his life and wants to make it more interesting by infiltrating military bases, weapons research facilities and so on. The image is practically a get away from a secret airfield made by the Americans who were developing a new type of plane that is very fast, light and good for rush attacks. The Shark it was called, so he hijacked one and want's to get away, just one more tiny american to go :)). 
I hope you dig this fairy tale that I made, I really like this piece and the atmosphere , had much fun doing it. Never know what you come up after 2 months, have a nice night! 


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